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Shimmering mirage (Black)

  • Event
  • 22 May 2024

talk with the artist Anila Quayyum Agha

Wednesday, May 22 - 12 PM



The artist Anila Quayyum Agha in dialogue with Davide Quadrio.

Anila Quayyum Agha (Lahore, Pakistan, 1965) is internationally recognized for her award-winning largescale installations that use light, shadow and pattern to create inclusive, immersive and shared experiences. Major solo exhibitions have been hosted by numerous American and international art museums across the world, e.g., the Cummer Museum, Amon Carter Museum of American Art; Peabody Essex Museum; Cincinnati Art Museum; National Sculpture Museum in Valladolid, Spain, and the Chimei Museum in Taiwan. Agha additionally has exhibited in Special Projects at major Art Fairs like Masterpiece London, Delhi Art Fair, Abu Dhabi Art Fair and the Armory in New York
City. Major awards include the Joan Mitchell Painters and Sculptors award (2019), Cincinnati Art Museum’s 2017 Schiele Prize, and ArtPrize (Juried and Public Vote Grand Prize 2014). For the 2019 Venice Biennale Agha was included in the collateral event She Persists. In 2020 she received an Endowed Chair position titled Morris Eminent Scholar in Art at Augusta University in Georgia, as well as the prestigious Smithsonian Fellowshipin the arts and worked with both SAAM and AAA in Washington D.C. in May 2022. Her work has been collected by institutions and private collectors nationally and internationally.

Free admission