Teachers who want to learn about the Museum and its collections can contact the Education Department for visits in small groups.
In order to integrate in the best way possible the Museum’s contents and relating workshop activities with school curricula, the Education Department offers the opportunity to organize several encounters that can be planned together. Teachers can also request Museum presentations at their schools.
Info maodidattica@fondazionetorinomusei.it; t. 011.4436927/8
A course on Asian Material Culture began on October 4, 2022, an innovative project born in partnership between MAO and StudiUm, the Humanities Department at the University of Turin.
For the Museum and the University, this is an experimental project and represents the first step in a partnership that, in the intentions of both city institutions, should grow and expand further in the following years, thus creating a deep bond between the two sites of culture that, though diverse, can benefit from a mutual exchange of knowledge and skills.
But what exactly is “material culture”? It means the concrete and tangible aspects of a culture, like for example everyday objects, urban works, tools used for production, but also behaviors and rituals that the objects help to create and, in an even broader way, immaterial objects like sounds, events, and language: understanding and exploring uses allows scholars to place artistic objects and phenomena within a vaster and more uniform cultural fabric.